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Removable or Fixed Implant Dentures

If you grew up wondering why there was a disembodied set of teeth floating in a jar next to your grandparents bed, then you’re completely aware of what most people think of when dentures are mentioned. That little glass of clear solution with its eerie contents doesn’t have to be the future of your dental health if you need dentures, innovations in dentistry have led to the creation of options that can make having dentures easy and as comfortable as having your natural teeth.

Restoration Dentistry With Dental Implants

Dental Implants have been around for thousands of years, with some of the earliest versions involving hammering pieces of sea shell into the mouths of patients. While remodeling, healing of the bone around the insertion site, showed that these methods were surprisingly effective modern medicine is capable of much more. Dental implants are a common restoration dentistry solution for patients missing one or more teeth in today’s oral health world.

  • Removable Implant Retained Dentures – This variety of dental implants are able to be removed on a daily basis for cleaning. While both varieties of implant are mounted on titanium points that are inserted into the jaw, these dentures are able to be popped off. While this makes it easier to clear around the teeth and under them, they don’t feel or look quite as natural as the permanent variety. Additionally they have an upper plate that covers the roof of your mouth, interfering with the sensation of natural eating.
  • Fixed Implant Retained Dentures – Permanently affixed dentures are only removed by your dentist during your twice yearly checkups. Eating and speaking with these dentures is almost indistinguishable from doing so with your natural teeth, and their design means that you never have to worry about cleaning under them, the dentist will handle that during your twice yearly visits and ensure there’s no damage either.

Just Your Standard Cleaning Routine

Cleaning your implants requires little more than cleaning your regular teeth does. While you will need to make sure that your toothbrush has soft bristles in every other way you will care for these teeth like you would your natural ones. Removable dentures need to be taken out and cleaned around each night, but otherwise they remain in. Special toothpaste exists that claims to extend the life of this variety of denture, so make sure to keep you eye out for them. With proper care your dentures can last you a lifetime.

If you’ve discovered that you’re going to need dentures it’s time to get in touch with a professional for a consultation. There’s a variety of options available on the market today, but dental implants are being favored by all patients who can afford them. Contact Dr. Alireza Movassaghi at the Alameda Dental Group in Walnut Park, CA to get started on your road to a perfect white smile with dental implants. Their team of experts helps orthodontic patients like you face the future with a broad, confident grin, so call today!